sexta-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2007

Colegas internacionais;)

O BioCEL tem a honra de partilhar com todos os assíduos visitantes deste espaço um pequeno texto, fornecido pela professora Augusta Gaspar e que foi inicialmente divulgado pela Fundação Mona, onde neste momento estão a estagiar os nossos colegas Gonçalo Jesus e Silvia Rocha.

"Researchers of the University Lusófona make a stay in Mona Foundation"

Two researchers of the University Lusófona of Lisbon (Portugal) carry out a stay in Mona Foundation since the present month of January until the next month of June of 2007. Coordinated by the Dr. Augusta Gaspar, professor of Ethology of this same university, they will do two interesting research projects in collaboration with Mona Foundation. On the one hand, Gonçalo Jesús will make a study about the "facial expressions of surprise in chimpanzees". On the other hand, Sílvia Rocha will carry it out about "the environmental enrichment as a tool of social attraction, socialization and stress reduction in chimpanzees".In this way, Mona Foundation opens a new way of collaboration with prestigious universities and European groups of research, with the goal to convert Mona in a primatology referent at international level.

1 Pareceres Científicos:

Benper disse...

Muito bom=D