quinta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2008

Precisam-se voluntários

Um grupo de zoólogos está a desenvolver um projecto de conservação e biodiversidade na Namíbia para o qual precisam de voluntários para projectos de 4 semanas.

"As a research volunteer with BRinK you will benefit of...

... hands-on experience in field research by conducting your own research project,

... developing lifelong friendships and contacts for your future career,

... becoming an expert in your field of applied research,

... getting your name in print through project reports and publications,

... the personal development and acquaintance of your natural environment,

... the experience itself, making you more employable,

... and your personal contribution to Namibian nature conservation by obtaining valuable data about the area."

"Obviously we will work hard with research but there will still be time to relax ! "

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